Ta.Sk. comes from the encounter between the longtime experience in design and marketing of Giovanni Vasta, and the well-honed experience in women’s knitwear design of Tamara Skoblikova .Ta.Sk. expresses a modern approach to deluxe knitwear with understated style and simplicity.

Ta.Sk. take a modern approach to deluxe knitwear. Our classic cashmere is styled with an air of minimalism. Created by Giovanni Vasta and Tamara Skoblikova, the collection offers timeless knit essentials from more traditional styles to overcoats, and now to homewear with hoodies and joggers.

Yarns used are pure cashmere of Todd & Duncan knitted in gauges from the 12 machine to the 3 and cashmere silk of Cardiff for under jacket use on 33 gages for Spring Summer ‘22. Our production is all made in Italy, produced with care, and distributed exclusively by Maglificio Tg.
